Register, Vote and Organize for Justice! Build a Peoples Assembly!

The excitement about the 2008 US presidential election and the possibility of electing Obama as a candidate promising progressive change, must not let us forget about the power of those who own and control the wealth of the US and global economy to influence the decisions of the government even when it goes against the interests of the masses of people. This is not democracy for the masses; only for the rich!

Electing Obama without building a powerful peoples movement, will not bring about the changes we hope for and badly need, and those that Dr. King and millions struggled, shed blood, went to jail and died for.

Pressures are being placed on Obama daily to follow the dictates of the big banks, insurance companies and corporations. He along with others in Congress voted for the government to grant the $700 billion dollar shameful bailout to those corporations that charge super high interests on home mortgages and student loans; are closing plants, cutting jobs, and who pay their CEO’s multi-million dollar salaries.

Supporters of Obama must also challenge him to fight for the changes being called for by the millions of workers and oppressed communities who continue to be exploited by those corporations that the government is using the taxpayer’s money to bailout.

This bailout will have negative affects on the working class and our communities, especially Black, Latino and other people of color. We must be organized to demand that our communities and needs don’t go neglected – our jobs, wages, education, housing, healthcare, public services and other basic democratic and human rights.

A strong working class based democratic movement is needed to unite people at our workplaces, communities and major institutions throughout the society where our power can be exercised to directly impact those in power.

We need a mass movement that develops a vision and organizes for serious change.  It must have the energy of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60, the internationalism of the 1970s, and the involvement and leadership of workers, women, young people and students, especially from Black and other oppressed communities.

Peoples Assemblies can help to rebuild the type of movement that draws on the lessons of the past struggles, incorporates new approaches and skills developed by the current generation, and that democratically involves people in having a voice in deciding and acting collectively to struggle to improve and change conditions in society.

Dr King said: “If we do not act we shall surely be dragged down the long dark and shameful corridors of time reserved for those who possess power without compassion, might without morality, and strength without sight.”

Launch people’s movement in your area by building a Peoples Assembly!

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