Category Archives: Human Rights

Fight Back Against HB2!

North Carolina General Assembly and Governor Attacks LGBTQ Community, Workers, Women and People of Color

IMG_2367The hateful and shameful legislation passed by the North Carolina General Assembly and signed by Governor McCrory after only three hours of debate is the most recent attack on democracy and the rights of the people of North Carolina. Taking the lead, along with Mississippi, North Carolina lawmakers have implemented yet another component of the reactionary agenda supported by the wealthy 1% and its most racist sectors. The state legislature is playing a master game of Divide and Conquer. It is attempting to play us against each other while cutting the rights of all. Continue reading

Building People’s Assemblies, Platforms and Power “Before, During and After” the 2016 Elections

The Political Landscape:

The central issue in the 2016 presidential and local election campaigns is NOT the Republican and Democratic Party candidates or even Bernie Sanders vs. Hillary Clinton.  It is the growing economic and social crisis of the US capitalist system.  Most important is the crisis’ devastating impact on workers, black and brown immigrants, Native Americans, women, the LGBTQ community, youth and the elderly.BlackWorkersMatter2

Amid all the TV debates, news stories in the media, and billions of dollars spent by corporations and billionaires, workers, black and oppressed people have a human and fundamental democratic right to discuss and organize political campaigns to address our needs! We also have a right to discuss how our community, workplace and society should be run and even dare to organize and run it ourselves!

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International Human Rights Day 2015:The Trump Danger and the Rising Tide of Racism

water_is_a_human_right_protest_credit_daymon_j_hartleyOn December 10 people around the globe acknowledge International Human Rights Day, the date when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the UN in 1948. People around the globe have reason to be concerned about the state of human rights. Raging wars, terrorist attacks, massive displacement, growing fascism, police murders, economic crisis and pending ecological disaster are the conditions that challenge all humanity.

Trump and racism

The presidential campaign of Donald Trump has drawn out the deeply racist sentiments among a section of the white population to a dangerous level. Starting with his attacks on immigrants, the Black Lives Matter activists and now Muslims, he is whipping his base into a frenzy. Continue reading