Category Archives: Human Rights

No to US Led War on Syria!

Again, we see the US government trying to start another war as a diversion from the capitalist crisis that is causing great suffering among masses of working-class and poor people. The U.S. wars violates international   laws and U.S. Constitution , while  attacking basic democratic and human rights to challenge the suffering and brutality carried out by the capitalist economy and the “State” (government).

Trump got elected president on the racist promise of making America great again !  Trump is intensifying the War on Black America – killing, maiming and jailing Black and Brown people, criminalizing immigrants and Muslims and fostering regime change throughout the Americas.

This attack on Syria is part of a US led global war that incudes the War on Black America. Black people must oppose this war on Syria, all wars abroad and in the US.  This war contributes to the economic and social crises . As our tax  money is spent by the ruling 1 % for war , there is more cuts to public services, schools, vocational education, jobs, healthcare, affordable housing, clearing up the environment, repairing the infrastructure, supporting veterans that are disabled and mentally broken from fighting in these imperialist wars.

The struggle for Black liberation must also be a struggle against imperialist wars. The European heads of the global capitalist system – US, France and the UK are again deciding what part of the world they want to dominate and control for increasing their wealth and positioning their militaries to dominate the world.


We Say No to US Led Racist and Imperialist Wars!




34th Annual Martin Luther Support for Labor Banquet

UntitledOn April 8, 2017 the Black Workers for Justice will hold its 34th annual banquet commemorating Dr. King’s contributions to the Civil Rights and Black Freedom struggles. In light of the new administration of right wing populist and white nationalist, Dr. King’s life and views on workers rights and imperialist war are as important as ever. As we have done over the last 35 years, we honor Dr. King in the context of his fight for the Memphis Sanitation workers and his assassination by the forces of capitalism.

Today’s Challenge:Organizing Our Struggle on the Front Lines in the South for Peoples Power” is our theme this year. It means continuing the fight against HB2, voter suppression, Islamophobia, anti-immigrant policies and the rise of white supremacist groups like the KKK and similar groups.

Now more than ever, our work to build People’s Assemblies and the Southern Workers Assembly (SWA) is necessary and urgent.

The keynote speaker will be Fred Mason. Mason is a veteran Labor and Black Liberation Mason_t580Movement activist. Mason is the President of the Maryland/DC AFL-CIO. He will speak on the task of labor, the Black movement and allies in fighting for power on the front lines of today’s struggle.

You can buy tickets here on this website. For further information on tickets, etc. call (240) 882-2102.  If you or your organization would like to take out a digital ad you can write us a for information. Your financial support is needed.



Solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux and all the Struggles of Indigenous Peoples

standingrock-dakotaposter1-223x300-e1473088154775The Black Workers for Justice support the struggles of the indigenous peoples to defend their land and treaty rights and their struggles for environmental justice. And in this moment we are in full support of the resistance of the Standing Rock Sioux to the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). We call on all people to support them politically and materially. Continue reading

BWFJ Statement on Charlotte Uprising


charlotte-uprising-update-suspect-protester-death9-23-16It is time for something different. According to the Charlotte Observer, the killing of Keith Lamont Scott makes the sixth in Charlotte and with Terence Crutcher, makes the 163rd killing of a Black person in the U.S. in 2016 by law enforcement or sanctioned extra-legal forces .

On the one hand, the Black (and Brown) Community is told that the problem is bad community relations, inadequate training by police to be more “sensitive”, bad equipment and that its a “few bad apples”. On the other,there is righteous outrage as yet another Black man woman father mother sister daughter son cousin is snuffed out; shot down in the street. And the youth escalate the pushback — pushing back against institution, symbolic or otherwise, of the exploitation, oppression or occupation of our community. Then, the sanctioned -so-called leaders are trotted out to “call for calm,” sensitivity training and body cameras for the police. Then another Black person gets shot down in the street, and the scenario starts all over again. Continue reading

Commemorating the Birthday of Malcolm X (El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz)

malcolm-x-1May 19 marks the 91st anniversary of the birth of Malcolm X, the great 20th Century leader of the African American struggle for freedom, justice and equality; for self-determination and liberation. His assassination in 1965, at the hands of those working in the interest of white supremacy, capitalism and imperialism, marked a horrible chapter in our history of struggle and the beginning of the modern Black Power Movement.

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