Black Workers for Justice Calls on International Community to Monitor US elections

We Need International Observers to Protect the Democratic Right of the Black Vote!

Since the 2016 election there has been incessant talk of Russian, and sometimes Chinese and other countries interfering in US elections. Yet It has long been known that the US interferes in elections across the world. Whether covert or open, scholars have reported at least 62 electoral interventions between 1942 and 1989.  When their favored candidate is facing a serious challenge, they have insisted on election observers and have been critical of results when other credible observers have been satisfied.

The 2020 Presidential election promises to be one where the current government, with the aide of right wing paramilitaries and white supremacists will support a voter suppression effort aimed mainly at Black voters but also other voters opposed to the President. The call for monitoring the polls and telling the Proud Boys and other white nationalist to “Stand Back and Stand By” seeks to intimidate voters eager to oust Trump from his position in which he has heaped tremendous suffering on the people. Millions want to thwart his plans to implement more policies leading to more economic pain and repression and violence against the movements defending the people.

Social movement and civic organizations are organizing “Safe Vote” activities that include culture, grassroots surveillance, and security. These measures need to be widespread and highly organized whether in urban areas or polls in rural communities. In the remaining days leading up to the election, our communities need to be assured that if they haven’t voted by mail that when they show up at the polls someone will have their backs. Another important tool that has been suggested by Mississippi activist is to call on local police chiefs and sheriffs, now, to publicly state what they intend to do if the Proud Boys or other similar forces show up. Put them on the record about whose side they are on.

In addition to our on the ground organizing, we need observers from the international community to be on hand to be a witness to the tactics that the fascists and white supremacists will employ. This will be important on several levels. It may or may not serve as a deterrent, but it will be critical information if there are legal challenges, or when the people are making decisions about strikes and resistance if the election is stolen and when the US tries to bully other countries with their false narrative about US democracy and values.

UN staffers, representatives from the African Union and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and others, can become an important tool in our serious and immediate struggle against US fascism in the making and ending the War on Black America.

Black Workers for Justice

October 9, 2020

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