Category Archives: Uncategorized

On the Orlando Massacre

2016-06-12T131653Z_275254678_S1AETJMGPXAA_RTRMADP_3_FLORIDA-SHOOTINGThe Black Workers for Justice is outraged and saddened by the brutal attack on the patrons of the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. We extend our condolences to the families of those killed, and hope for healing and a speedy recovery of the wounded. We stand in strong solidarity with the LGBTQ community. While we don’t know why the shooter picked Saturday night for his heinous crime, it was a Latin Night and as such many in the club were Latinx. We extend our solidarity to that community as well. Continue reading

Commemorating the Birthday of Malcolm X (El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz)

malcolm-x-1May 19 marks the 91st anniversary of the birth of Malcolm X, the great 20th Century leader of the African American struggle for freedom, justice and equality; for self-determination and liberation. His assassination in 1965, at the hands of those working in the interest of white supremacy, capitalism and imperialism, marked a horrible chapter in our history of struggle and the beginning of the modern Black Power Movement.

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May Day Statement by Muslims for Social Justice and Awami Workers Party Members in USA

(Muslims for Social Justice(MSJ) Muslims for Social Justice is a North Carolina based organization dedicated to Human Rights and Social Justice for all.

Two weeks ago, the Pakistani military and police launched yet another operation against landless peasant activists by raiding their houses at night and kidnapping several key members of the landless tenant association in the Pakistani province of Punjab, Anjuman Mazareen Punjab (AMP). This search and arrest operation was carried out without warrants using draconian powers given to the law-enforcement agencies (LEAs) by anti-terrorism laws. The operation was carried out on the eve of the International Peasants Day to prevent AMP from holding a large peasants’ convention. The kidnapped include women, students, peasants, and the General Secretary of AMP, Mr. Meher Abdul Sattar – these activists are being detained and tried as terrorists, while another 4,000 have been collectively charged with terrorism and colonial-era crime of disrupting of the political order. Those who have come out in support to protest against state violence and police brutality have had to face baton charges, tear gas, and armored vehicles. Continue reading

Martin Luther King Support for Labor Banquet-April 2, 2016

BWJ-flier-webWe are excited about our upcoming 33rd Annual Martin Luther King Support for Labor Banquet on April 2. Our theme for this years’ gathering is “ Black Lives Matter at the Workplace Too. ” Our keynote speaker will be Bree Newsome the brilliant and courageous activist and cultural worker who in the wake of the Charleston Nine massacre took the confederate flag down from the South Carolina State Capitol.

There will also be cultural performances and the presentation of the 2016 Self-Determination Awards. Tickets can be purchased on line at (at the “Buy” button located at the bottom of the right panel) or call the phone numbers on the flyer. We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, April 2.

Building People’s Assemblies, Platforms and Power “Before, During and After” the 2016 Elections

The Political Landscape:

The central issue in the 2016 presidential and local election campaigns is NOT the Republican and Democratic Party candidates or even Bernie Sanders vs. Hillary Clinton.  It is the growing economic and social crisis of the US capitalist system.  Most important is the crisis’ devastating impact on workers, black and brown immigrants, Native Americans, women, the LGBTQ community, youth and the elderly.BlackWorkersMatter2

Amid all the TV debates, news stories in the media, and billions of dollars spent by corporations and billionaires, workers, black and oppressed people have a human and fundamental democratic right to discuss and organize political campaigns to address our needs! We also have a right to discuss how our community, workplace and society should be run and even dare to organize and run it ourselves!

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